Design Thinking

Design thinking is a human-centric, iterative problem-solving method that involves empathy, experimentation, and iteration to create innovative solutions. This pattern focuses on understanding the users and their needs, generating ideas, prototyping, testing, and refining solutions.

Table of Contents

When to use

  • Design an innovative, human-centered solution to a complex problem.
  • When solving complex and ill-defined problems
  • When creating user-centered solutions or innovations
  • When dealing with situations where multiple perspectives are involved

Pattern Requirements

  • A problem or challenge to be addressed
  • A target user group or audience
  • A collaborative and open-minded team

Pattern Structure

  1. Empathize with others

  2. Define the problem

  3. Ideate solutions

  4. Prototype a solution

  5. Test an idea

  6. Iterate

  7. Implement