A dilemma involves learners in complex, ill-structured situations with conflicting perspectives where no solution will satisfy all parties involved. The goal is to develop critical thinking, empathy, and negotiation skills while navigating these challenging scenarios.
Dilemma Problems
A dilemma involves learners in complex, ill-structured situations with conflicting perspectives where no solution will satisfy all parties involved.
Table of Contents
When to use
- A learner needs to practice critical thinking and decision-making in situations with no universally satisfying solution.
- A learner needs to develop empathy and consider multiple perspectives in a complex situation.
- A learner needs to improve negotiation and conflict-resolution skills.
- A learner needs to identify or needs to inherently know how use to come to a solution.
- A learner is able to build a skill where they can develop off what they already know to arrive to a solution.
- A learner needs to be able to recognize they are in a dilemma situation, how to work through it (internally) and how their decision might affect others.
- A learner is presented with a case study where someone is faced with a dilemma.
Pattern Requirements
- A complex, ill-structured situation with conflicting perspectives.
- Multiple stakeholders with diverse interests and priorities.
- No universally acceptable solution.
Pattern Structure
Explore the dilemma
Identify the stakeholders involved and their interests
Identify the values and obligations that are in conflict
Identify potential solutions
Evaluate potential solutions and their consequences
Make a decision
Monitor and adjust as needed