Strategic Performance Problems

A strategic performance problem involves learners engaging in real-time, complex, and integrated activities to achieve a strategic objective while maintaining situational awareness. This pattern aims to develop learners’ decision-making, improvisation, prioritization, planning, and situational awareness skills.  

Table of Contents

When to use

  • A learner needs to develop the ability to achieve strategic objectives through the application of tactics and real-time decision making. 
  • A learner needs to improve their situational awareness, planning, prioritization, and improvisation skills in dynamic or high-pressure situations. 

Pattern Requirements

  • An objective that serves as the primary goal for the learner.
  • A range of tactics or approaches available to achieve the strategic objective. 
  • A dynamic, real-time context in which the learner must make decisions and adapt their tactics as needed.

Pattern Structure

  1. Introduce the strategic objective

    Clearly define the goal that the learner must achieve within the given context. 
  2. Provide background knowledge

    Ensure learners have the necessary domain knowledge and understanding of the system or situation they will be engaged in. 
  3. Present the tactics

    Outline the various tactics or approaches available to the learner to achieve the strategic objective. 
  4. Develop situational awareness

    Train the learner to maintain an understanding of their surroundings, the current state of the situation, and any potential changes or challenges that may arise. 
  5. Encourage real-time decision-making

    Guide the learner to make decisions under pressure, considering the dynamic nature of the situation. 
  6. Foster improvisation

    Instruct the learner to adapt and create new tactics on the spot to meet the strategic objective when necessary. 
  7. Develop prioritization and planning skills

    Teach the learner to prioritize tasks and create plans that align with their strategic objective. 
  8. Implement tactics

    Have the learner apply their chosen tactics, adapting and improvising as needed, to achieve the strategic objective. 
  9. Evaluate the performance

    Encourage the learner to assess the effectiveness of their tactics, decision-making, and situational awareness in achieving the strategic objective. 
  10. Reflect on the process

    Prompt the learner to consider their strategic performance, any challenges faced, and potential improvements for future strategic problem-solving tasks.
  11. Receive feedback

    Provide tools and opportunities for the learner to receive feedback on their strategic performance and the results of their actions.