Transfer Practice

Try using skills in varied situations for better understanding and adaptability. Examples include interdisciplinary projects and scenarios in different contexts.

AKA Variable Practice, Varied-Application Practice

Transfer practice is a learning technique that involves practicing skills or solving problems in a variety of contexts, conditions, or situations. This approach helps learners adapt and generalize their knowledge, making it easier to transfer and apply their skills to new and unfamiliar scenarios. It is based on the elaboration theory (from Charles Reigeluth). 

Table of Contents

When to use

  • Improve adaptability and transfer of skills by practicing in diverse conditions.
  • A learner is practicing motor skills.
  • A learner is attempting the mastery of a single skill under various conditions.
  • It can be used at the end of a lesson activity (or end of module/section formative), or when the lesson is the application of the concepts in various situations.
  • A learner needs preparation for a high-stakes assessment.
  • A learner is engaged in self-reflection activities.

Pattern Requirements

  • A set of related skills or problems to practice.
  • A list of different contexts, conditions, or scenarios.
  • It may include a varied practice schedule.
  • Multiple (but limited) variables can be manipulated.
  • May use for concrete concepts (there is only one correct answer)
  • Requires meaningful and relevant context to assimilate knowledge/skills.
  • Requires critical thinking.
  • The feedback needs to be robust and guide the learner's critical thinking.

Pattern Structure

  1. Explore the context, condition, or scenario. If the content has been introduced and practiced using another pattern [content review]. Also, it can optionally explore how skill practice might be adapted or adjusted to suit the context.

  2. Practice the skill. Practice the part separately.

  3. Receive feedback.

  4. Explore connections between this and other practice situations. (Optional)

  5. Repeat and vary the context, condition, or scenario. (Optional)